Contemporary Winery Design Considerations

When it comes to contemporary winery design, there are a few key elements that need to be considered. First and foremost, the winery should be designed to showcase the wine itself. The space should be light and airy, with plenty of room for tastings and tours. The second element is the concept or theme that the winery is trying to convey. Is it a rustic, family-run operation? Or a sleek and modern operation? The design of the winery should reflect this. Finally, the winery should be designed with comfort and convenience in mind. Visitors should feel welcome and comfortable as they tour the facility and sample the wine.

So, what factors need to be considered when designing and building a contemporary winery?

Highlighting the Winemaking Process

Placing a winery in the middle of its vineyard offers several design advantages. Most importantly, it allows for stunning views from the tasting …