How Do I Protect My Dock Pilings?

To protect marine piles, the industry standard is to wrap them in thin black plastic wrap and attach it. This would prevent water from entering the pole and keep any marine organisms away. This black wrap can give you an extra year if done correctly. It is difficult to do right, and it can still have flaws. Over time, marine growth can begin to develop. Barnacles can grow underneath the seams of the overlapping wrap or near the nail holes. The thin plastic will rip apart the pile. Water can flow freely to the piling and leaves it open to environmental attack. You can only ensure that your piling is protected by making sure there are no weak points.

Piling Sleeve

To achieve this, the pile’s coating must be seamless. Durosleeve, a PVC dock piling sleeve that can be used to shrink tubing for electrical parts, is made from PVC. …